General Game Rules

Competition General Rules

General game-playing rules

•    Each player is free to play as he want, according to the game’s possibilities, except for the following rules

•    While it’s allowed that player help each other in certain race circumstances (for example, a breakaway), it’s strictly forbidden to team play. In other words, it’s forbidden any kind of help between players, without having advantage to it. If in case of team play between players, the organization will punish the players with either the exclusion of that event, or of the whole competition if the case is serious enough.

•    It’s forbidden to block an opponent whenever in a road race.

•    It's forbidden to deliberately block an opponent to slow down his pace in front of the peloton or prevent him to attack from the peloton.

•    It’s forbidden to deliberately allowing some players to attack and preventing others to do the same, if the action is not 

•    In case a block is sanctioned by the jury, the sanctioned player will be allowed to discard his charges if, in the next 24 hours after the sanction, he'll be able to provide a registration that proved that he was not in the control of the player.

•    In road race it’s forbidden to play for damage or advantage a specific player. For example, continuously blocking a player in a game.

•    It IS considered playing for advantaging or damaging a specific player/teams killing all your men to ride for another player without having benefits for yourself. Example, kill your team to favor another captain and getting minutes at the end. 

•    In track race every form of block is allowed.

•    In team races rounds both road and track is forbidden to play against a team. Every team has to play against the best result for themselves in the single event involved. A team that will decide to play against another team will get disqualified from the event. Deliberately picking a team to pass in place of another team will be considered team play.


Game play settings

•    Artificial Intelligence will be none in road (host will re-create the room with only the correct number of players involved) and set to easy in track races. 

•    Fall rating will be set at 0%. We are aware that punctures can happen anyway, but we invite all the players to set at least falls at 0% to reduce the risk.

•    Variable condition deactivated

•    Bonus/Malus multiplayer deactivated

•    Road Races are played at x1 speed for all the time. People who change it without the acceptance from everyone in the game will be sanctioned



Penalties are committed by a jury made out of the Organizers.

Claims MUST be done immediately AFTER the race, at latest 30 minutes after the race finished.

In all cases the decision will be taken before the next round.

Jury verdict is only appeal-able in UCI Court. 

Protests and insults to the jury can cause further sanctions on the player.

Organizers reserves for themselves the right to suspend, penalize or ban a player in case of inappropriate behavior and/or insults without a jury vote and a player appeal.


Stage replacements

Organizers reserves the right to replace already announced stage until 2h before the stage start - for whatever reason.


Room creation and departure

At the time indicated by organizers room must be opened online by the host for each game. Host can launch the game when all the room members are present. Maximum depart time is set 15’ after the room creation. Passed this time host can launch the game even if not all the room members are present.

It’s possible to postpone the start of further 10 minutes if one of the following two conditions apply

•    An organization member order it

•    A player asks for it and the majority of the room members agreed

In the first round of each discipline the start will be given by the organizer as the organizers must move members from one group to another in case of unbalanced groups in numbers.

A player that is not present in the room at the moment of the game launch (for both road and track races) loses the right to compete in that round

In case of additional material is needed to play a game, players shall have it. The same it applies to hosts in case of material needed to point counting (XML files)


Crash and restarts

Road specific

Crash are automatically managed by the system, unfortunately there is not autostop in PCM 2020 edition. If one player crashes is up to him to re-enter, the game can’t and won’t be stopped.

Re-entering is managed by the game but host can sometimes pause the game using CTRL+ALT+DELETE command. Having the host to be focused on the game, pausing a game in case of a crash is considered a fair play act and is not mandatory. Players are free to play as they want when a player crashed.

Every player has the right to ask for one reset for wrong roster choice reason for the whole evening in the first 5 Km of the race or before the first Sprint / KOM of the race if it’s before 5 Km. Anyway, for a single game no more than two reset in total can be done.

If players think that a host player voluntary simulate a crash (i.e. he has just crashed with the leader or lost a sprint) they can write to the organization and player can be sanctioned but the game must be resetted.

A reset of the game will happen only if the host crash or there is a mass crash (more than 50% of people in the room simultaneously). Every time a game is resetted all intermediate points, eventually the ones at KOM or Intermediate sprints are lost.

Track specific

Every player has at their disposal for the entire evening two crashes in the loading phase.

Game has to be restarted for

•    Mass crash, if the game has already started

•    Single crash, if a player isn’t able to load before the game start (usually games stands in load mode) or crashes before completing first lap (half of it for elimination and keirin)


Room Re-enter

When, for whatever reason, a game is reset (for example following a crash), game has to restarted not later than 5 minutes after the crash occurs.

If one player was not in the room at the moment of the original launch but joins the room after the crash, he has the right to play the game.

If a player was in the game at the moment of the reset but does not join the new room before 5 minutes after the crash, the game can be launched again without him.



Only the organization can postpone games to other date or times. If there are troubles, of any sort, host of the room has to ask the organization explaining motivations. Postponed games will be recovered on the rest day, if available, or during the weekends starting from 19.00 CEST.


Replay and exports

After every race host should keep replay and excel exports (for road race) to the PCM WC 2020 Discord so organization can compute the points.

In track games everyone should take screenshots of the ranking, host has to send them at PCM WC 2020 Discord.

Other players have to make screenshots of the individual (and team, on road) ranking and send on request for complaints. The host has to wait to close the game to let other players take screenshots.

In case of controversial, jury can only decide basing on replay and screenshots. No reclaims are accepted without any material proof.

In case of lacking of material organization will decide case by case what to take into account considering the material at disposal and can decide for giving points, aborting the game or repeating it.

In case of contradictory material this will be taken into account

•    Excel results for Stage sprint, GCs and team rankings

•    Screenshots for the sprints in the Road Inline

